Yourlegs è la soluzione per chi non ha il tempo di fare quelle piccole cose che richiedono snervanti attese, noiose ricerche e interminabili discussioni.
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Gel nails first appeared in the U.S. in the early 1980s, Nail care
but were met with limited success. At the time, Nail gel polish
the manufacturers of gel lights and the gel itself had not joined forces, gel nail polish color set
not yet recognizing the need to precisely match the intensity of the light to the photoinitiators in the gel.Best gel nail polish
Nail techs and clients soon found out that using the wrong light or applying too much gel caused a burning sensation on the client’s nail gel
Additionally, education on gel application was limited, leaving nail techs in the dark about the product, and home-use systems were introduced around the same time, damaging the reputation of salon-use systems by association.Nail care
Nail gel